Half a year of crOss renoHome project behind us – what have we been doing in the last 6 months?

After the first 6 months of implementing the crOss renoHome project, we bring you a summary of key achievements and results:

Kick-off meeting in Zagreb

At the end of October 2023, we organized a kick-off meeting for the LIFE crOss renoHome project in Zagreb. The project was launched to provide citizens with a package of solutions for complete energy renovation in one place (One stop shop – OSS).

The project aims to:

  • Establish OSS in Zagreb based on the existing Center for Energy Poverty Reduction and upgrade the existing OSS in Križevci
  • Develop 2 standardized contracts for energy renovation
  • Renovate at least 135 households and involve 250 stakeholders such as energy consultants, suppliers, and banks in the pilot phase of the project
  • Train 10 energy advisors

More information on the Kick-off meeting for crOss renoHome.









Two workshops for citizens

With opening  Call for Co-financing Energy Renovation of Family Houses in 2024 within the project, two free workshops were held one in Zagreb and one in Križevci for citizens. The purpose of the workshops was to provide valuable information to citizens on how to apply for the “Public Call for Energy Renovation of Family Houses in 2024” and encourage undecided citizens to engage in energy renovation. More than sixty citizens attended the workshops. The most common questions were about legal regulations related to real estate; financing options for several measures, and detailed explanations of specific terms used in the Call itself.










Read more about the workshops themselves at the links: Križevci : Workshop held as part of the Call for Energy Renovation of Family Houses in 2024” and Zagreb: Workshop held as part of the Call for Energy Renovation of Family Houses in 2024

Four key project documents and a website

To ensure smooth project implementation, we created four fundamental documents (D1.2 Consortium Agreement) for further development of implementation activities in accordance with the Ethical Code and data protection (D1.1 Data Protection Manual). Project promotion and visibility were ensured through D5.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan, and the project’s visual identity was established through the website www.crossreno.door.hr and detailed explanations in report D5.1 A project identity and specific project web place and partners website.

Partner meeting in Križevci

As part of the crOss renoHome project, the first partner meeting was held in March 2024 in Križevci. During the meeting, live discussions were held on the results of the past 6 months and activities and steps for the next 6 months. The emphasis was on building the Marketplace platform and the verification process for entry into the Marketplace. Special attention was given to the opening of the One Stop Shop (OSS) Zagreb in September 2024.

Read more about the meeting itself at the link: Partner Meeting of the crOss renoHome project in Križevci 













Certified eight energy advisors

As mentioned at the beginning, one of the project’s goals is to train energy advisors to work in the OSS. Therefore, as part of the partner meeting in Križevci, a unique Training for Energy Advisors was held. The aim of the training was to enable advisors to provide quality advice to citizens and other stakeholders interested in the processes of energy renovation of homes in Croatia. After successfully passing the test, we have 8 certified energy advisors. As part of this work package, report D3.1  Training materials for the energy advisors and croatia version of   Energy Advisor Manual were issued.









Five public calls for citizens for energy renovation were opened in the first 6 months of implementing crOss renoHome

As part of the crOss renoHome project in 2023 and 2024, citizens were assisted in applying for the national level “Public Call for Encouraging the Installation of Photovoltaic Systems in Family Houses” from 2023, as well as the “Public Call for Encouraging Energy Efficiency in Households” announced by the city of Križevci in 2023.

In 2024, on national level “Public Call for Co-financing Energy Renovation of Family Houses in 2024” was announced. Also in 2024, the “Public Call for Encouraging Energy Efficiency in Households” announced by the city of Križevci in 2024, as well as the newly opened national call at the end of March for apartment buildings Public Call for Energy Renovation of Apartment Buildings.

Read more about how crOss renoHome successfully managed the call at OSS Križevci: We advised and prepared documentation for co-financing photovoltaic systems in family houses in 2023, OSS Križevci: We advised and prepared documentation for co-financing from the Public Call for Encouraging Energy Efficiency in Households in 2023 – city of Križevci, and OSS Zagreb and Križevci We provided advice and prepared documentation for citizens regarding the ‘Public Call for Energy Renovation of Family Homes in 2024

Interesting articles published as part of the crOss renoHome project

As part of the crOss renoHome project, an interesting article was created to inform the public about the energy renovation of their homes. Thus, the article “How to Calculate Energy Loss in a Home” was published, introducing a tool for simple energy class calculation.

To conclude, in a short period of 6 months, the project has progressed very quickly and intensively. Over the next six months, we will continue at the same pace with the realization of the first physical One Stop Shop for energy renovation in Zagreb.