Kick-off meeting crOss renoHome

Kick-off meeting crOss renoHome

On October, 27th 2023 we organized the kick-off meeting of the LIFE crOss renoHome project in Zagreb.


The LIFE crOss renoHome project was launched in order to provide citizens with a package of solutions with a complete energy renovation in one place (One stop shop – OSS).


The project aims to:

• Establish OSS in Zagreb based on the existing Center for Reducing Energy Poverty and upgrade the existing OSS in Križevci
• Create 2 standardized contracts on energy renovation
• Renovate at least 65 energy-vulnerable households and involve 250 stakeholders such as energy consultants, suppliers and banks in the pilot phase of the project
• Train 10 energy consultants


Published: 3.11.2023.

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