Interesting report on the cross renoHome project – Training materials for the energy advisors

Deliverable D3.1 Materials for the education of energy advisors” focuses on training future energy advisors in the one-stop-shop (OSS) focused on energy renovation. Energy advisors play a crucial role in the energy renovation process. The need for this training arises from the desire for these advisors to provide quality support and information to citizens on energy efficiency and energy renovation.

The cross renoHome project is financially supported by the LIFE program and recognizes the importance of empowering the community through energy transition, which is included in the development of this project.

The goal is to create a home that is healthy, safe, and comfortable, but also long-term economical. Energy advisors play a key role in helping individuals achieve this goal by providing consultations, support, and information on the energy status of properties and possible solutions.

It is crucial that energy advisors in OSSs have appropriate education and continually improve themselves to provide comprehensive and quality assistance. Training materials provide basic knowledge, but it is important for advisors to continuously upgrade their skills and keep up with new technologies and methods through collaboration with relevant professions.

Training materials are attached as an annex to this report, but also a Handbook for successful counseling of citizens on achieving energy efficiency in Croatian language has been developed, serving as an educational tool for anyone interested in learning more about energy efficiency and energy renovation.

There are plans to create video materials containing theoretical parts in the form of presentations and practical parts that will present examples from practice and case studies. Viewers will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with relevant content, and after watching the video, participants will have the opportunity to take an exam and obtain an Energy Advisor certificate.

For more information on the report “Materials for the education of energy advisors,” find the link here!

Link to  Handbook for successful counseling of citizens on achieving energy efficiency in Croatian language!