Zagreb: Workshop held as part of the Call for Energy Renovation of Family Houses in 2024 

The purpose of the workshop was to provide valuable information to citizens on how to apply for the “Public Call for Energy Renovation of Family Houses 2024” and encourage undecided citizens to undertake energy renovations. Owners of family houses (who meet the criteria of the Public Call) were informed that they can expect up to 60% co-financing, and up to 80% co-financing if their houses were damaged in the earthquake. Furthermore, the conditions of co-financing were presented, as well as how citizens can apply for the announcedc from Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (FZOEU).

The workshop consisted of 3 parts. In the first part, Anamari Majdandžić (DOOR) provided a general overview of the public call, while in the second part, mag. Iur. Lina Benović (E-Konzalt) gave more information on the legal aspects of the application. The third part of the presentation contained technical information about the energy renovation itself and the technical requirements of the Call, presented by Prof. Dr. Ljubomir Majdandžić (HSUSE).

Thirteen citizens attended the workshop, most of whom had already studied the documentation of the public call and came prepared. The most common questions were about legal issues related to real estate, co-financing possibilities for several measures, and detailed explanations of certain terms used in the Call.

The workshop was held on February 6, 2024, at the Gornja Kustošija Local Council, Kustošijanska 276, as part of the cross renoHome project co-financed by the European Union under the LIFE program.