Partner Meeting of the crOss renoHome project in Križevci

During the meeting, live discussions took place regarding the results achieved in the last 6 months and the activities and steps for the next 6 months. Participants presented their achievements, challenges encountered, and future plans to ensure the successful implementation of the project.

The emphasis was on building the Marketplace platform and the verification process for entry into the Marketplace. Partners actively exchanged ideas and suggestions to make the platform more efficient and useful for all participants.

Additionally, there were discussions about the upcoming Public Call for co-financing energy renovation of multi-apartment buildings, aimed at promoting energy efficiency and sustainability. During the meeting, a Training for energy advisors was held. This educational part of the meeting aimed to provide expert information and advice to energy advisors. The goal of the training was to equip advisors to provide quality consulting to citizens and other stakeholders interested in home energy renovation processes in Croatia.

The meeting concluded with planning future activities. Special attention was given to the opening of the One Stop Shop (OSS) Zagreb in September 2024. Partners defined specific steps and tasks to ensure the successful launch of the OSS and to provide comprehensive support to citizens and organizations in the field of energy renovation.