Our partner CGBC held a workshop on One-Stop Shops for Building Energy Renovation

On July 3, 2024, the Croatian Green Building Council held a Green Summer Workshop that brought together a large number of industry members and partners. As part of the workshop, an interactive session on the topic of One-Stop Shops (OSS) for the energy renovation of buildings was conducted. At the beginning of the workshop, the importance of forming OSS in EU member states according to the new Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) was emphasized.

Discussions and Topics at the Roundtables

During eight roundtables, representatives from the business sector and other participants discussed several key topics related to One-Stop Shops:

  • Standardization of the energy renovation process of buildings
  • Information on the One-Stop Shop website
  • Energy renovation of single-family homes and multi-apartment buildings
  • References for companies providing energy renovation services
  • Inclusion on the One-Stop Shop website

Conclusions from the Workshop

After the discussions, the following conclusions were made regarding the energy renovation process of buildings:

  • Clearly defining the procedures and methods for implementing renovation measures
  • Simplified guides for renovation users to facilitate regulations and guidelines
  • Regular education for tenant representatives and building managers
  • Information support through One-Stop Shops, which includes:
    • Open public calls for renovation
    • References for contractors
    • Examples of good practice
    • Description of renovation procedures with appropriate contacts

Continuation of Activities and the crOss renoHome Project

The Croatian Green Building Council continues its intensive activities to establish an online One-Stop Shop (OSS) with the support of partners. Within the project, the opening of two physical One-Stop Shops is planned in Zagreb and Križevci, where citizens will be able to obtain all information and support in person for the energy renovation of their buildings and family homes.

The next steps of the project include:

  • Analyzing existing contracts for the energy renovation of multi-apartment buildings and family homes
  • Creating standardized contracts between investors (owners of family homes and multi-apartment buildings) and energy renovation service providers

These activities and initiatives will contribute to facilitating and accelerating the process of energy renovation of buildings, thereby increasing energy efficiency and reducing the negative environmental impact.