CrOss renoHome in action – OSS Križevci – “We advised and prepared documentation for  Public Call for Promoting Energy Efficiency in Households in 2023 for cizizen of Križevci”

The LIFE cross renoHome project, although just initiated, has already conducted initial consultations for citizens’ applications to the recent call by the city of Križevci – Public Call for Promoting Energy Efficiency in Households in 2023 – city of Križevci.

The objective of this Call is to increase renewable energy sources in existing electricity consumption in households in the area of the city of Križevci, enhance the energy efficiency of family houses in the city of Križevci, reduce energy consumption and heating costs for vulnerable groups of citizens at risk of energy poverty, and decrease CO2 greenhouse gas emissions.

The subject of the call is to promote energy efficiency in households and co-finance citizens through the following activities:

  • A1: co-financing preparation of project documentation – drafting the Main Project for a solar power plant for electricity generation in households connected to the grid for all citizens meeting the Call’s criteria
  • co-financing energy efficiency in households including preparation of project documentation – drafting the Main Project for a solar power plant and/or construction of solar power plants for electricity generation in households connected to the grid and/or installation of thermal insulation in the attic of residential premises for vulnerable groups of citizens at risk of energy poverty.

More about the call in link!

As part of the POWERPOOR program, cross renoHome partner KLIK also opened a Center for Combating Energy Poverty. Within the Center and its Energy-Climate Office, KLIK conducted consultations for 11 citizens for application to the call by the city of Križevci.








Image 1: Call for citizens – within this call from 2023

Call for energy vulnerable households – within this call from 2023


Energy poverty is a growing issue in the EU and Croatia where a large number of citizens are affected. Although Croatia still lacks a unified and accepted definition of energy poverty, in various EU documents, the most common definition is that a household can be described as being at risk of energy poverty if energy costs represent more than 10% of household income. Energy poverty is often described as a combination of several factors: low income, high energy expenditures, and low energy efficiency in households. Therefore, energy poverty is a complex problem requiring an interdisciplinary approach from various sectors: energy, social welfare systems, healthcare. This call for vulnerable households announced by the city of Križevci stemmed from the cooperation between DOOR and the city of Križevci on two prominent Horizon projects: POWERPOOR and ENPOR where the city of Križevci served as a pilot area. Within POWERPOOR, research was conducted on 250 households in Križevci, identifying potentially vulnerable and those at risk of energy poverty. On the other hand, ENPOR focused on ‘hidden tenancy,’ mapping homes with tenants or multi-generational households.







Image 2: Call  for energy vulnerable households – co-financing solar power plant

Image 3: Call for energy vulnerable households co-financing attic thermal insulation