Financial injection from Croatian government for energy renovation directed towards citizens in 2023 – A public call for installation of photovoltaic power plants in family homes

Objavljen je Javni poziv za poticanje ugradnje fotonaponskih elektrana u obiteljskim kućama

The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund has published a Public Call for encouraging the installation of photovoltaic power plants in family homes.

The Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency has published a Public Call for encouraging the installation of photovoltaic power plants in family homes (EnU-4/23) in order to encourage the wider application of systems for using solar energy for the production of electricity.
The subject of the call is intended for co-financing the installation of photovoltaic power plants for the production of electricity for self-consumption on the roofs of existing family houses or on existing auxiliary buildings located next to the family house.
Funds are available for power plants installed and put into operation during 2023 (from January 1), and range up to 50% of justified project costs, i.e. in the amount of 600 euros per kW of nominal power of the installed photovoltaic power plant.

The submission of applications to the Call begins on November 15, 2023 and lasts until the end of the year or until the time of use of the provided funds. Only natural persons (house owners) who resided there at the time the photovoltaic power plant was put into operation can apply.

You can find more about the Public Call with the associated Application Forms and the General Terms and Conditions at:

Published: 15.11.2023.